NCPC Crime Prevention Roadshow 2025
Prize Presentation for #XiamTheScams winners & Appointment of Honorary Crime Prevention Ambassador Mr Jack Neo

NCPC worked with SPF and MHA to develop #XiamTheScams, a web-based life-simulation game, which ran from 24 October 2024 to 22 January 2025.
Over three months, the game achieved a participation of over 519,000 players, completion of over 10 million gameplay scenarios, and adoption of more than 77,000 protective anti-scam actions (e.g. downloads of ScamShield app and subscriptions to ScamShield Alert social channels).

On 22 February 2025, the top 10 players of the #XiamTheScams game received their prizes at the NCPC Crime Prevention Roadshow 2025. The event was graced by Minister of State, Ministry of Home Affairs & Ministry of Social and Family Development Ms Sun Xueling. We are also pleased to share that local celebrity, Mr Jack Neo, was appointed as NCPC’s Honorary Crime Prevention Ambassador on the same day. In total, 10,000 people visited the roadshow over two days.
Background of the #XiamTheScams game
The #XiamTheScams game was developed to enhance awareness of common scam types and encourage adoption of anti-scam protective measures among the public through an experiential approach. Players were exposed to a series of both scam and legitimate situations mimicking common everyday routine activities and situations, and were prompted to make choices that rely on their familiarity with common scam signs and protective anti-scam measures.

Scam Prevention Talk
Mr Bernard Choo, Council Member of NCPC conducted a talk on 23 February 2025 to raise awareness of the importance of scam prevention. Other presenters included Ms Janelle Lye from ASC, SPF and Mr Jerry Ong from CPF Board.